Still under construction
About Aspiring Mini Series
We want to provide an opportunity for players and teams who are interested in playing Interclub but may have missed out due to limited spots. If you want to experience what Interclub is all about then this is your opportunity to experience for a day or two.
Competitions &
The Aspiring Mini Series is open to teams nominations for the following competitions:-
Open Men
Open Ladies
Open Mixed
Competitions are subject to team nominations
All competitions have special nomination requirements noted in the "Interclub Challenge Conditions of Nomination".
2024 Dates & Venues
ALL games on the one day - Sunday
14th April 2024 - BRENDALE
Hosted by: BIO Beach Volleyball
14th July 2024 - BRENDALE
Hosted by: Beach Volleyball Mania
Fees & Nomination
Remember, each member of the team needs to complete the RVQ Individual Membership Application Form prior to going on court for the first game.
Team Nominations
Once your team is accepted each team can complete their nomination in accordance with the Conditions of Nomination.
Team fees are $60 each date + your individual RVQ Membership cost for $20.
The format and number of games are subject to team nominations but it is expected to be 4 games.
Nominations close on April 4th or July 4th, with payment due within 48 hrs. You can play on either or both of these dates.
If you have any other questions or you are an individual, please don't hesitate to contact the RVQ Committee at info@rvq.com.au.