About RVQ
Rebound Volleyball Queensland is a player based association formed to provide, development and support for rebound volleyball in Queensland. Our aim is to increase the player base and player skills while providing competitive tournaments and avenues for further competitions.
In order to participate in any RVQ event, you will need to become a registered RVQ member. Events include but are not limited to:
Inter-Club Challenge
State Titles
Training Events
Annual Awards Night
By becoming a member, you are not only eligible to compete in RVQ events, but you will also be a part of the RVQ community. This allows you to attend and vote on critical issues at RVQ Committee General Meetings*.
RVQ memberships are valid from the date of payment until 31st December each year. To become a member, you will need to complete a RVQ Membership Application Form.
Please note that all RVQ members are required to comply with the Rebound Volleyball Queensland Code of Conduct.
Tournaments &
RVQ organises a number of major and minor events throughout the year. These events include, the Inter-Club Challenge, Queensland State Titles, Annual Awards Night, and Member Coaching Sessions.
In addition to these RVQ events, you can also find links to events at RVQ's affiliated clubs and organisations, right here in one convenient location.
View our calendar for a list of rebound volleyball tournaments and events, so you always know when and where the action is at.
Affiliated Clubs
There are various clubs throughout Queensland, delivering rebound volleyball competitions and events for a variety of skill levels, from junior through to senior players. If you're looking to start playing rebound volleyball, then get in contact with one of the clubs below.
If you're a centre manager of a club and you don’t see your club on the list, drop us an email and we'll add you.
Rebound Volleyball Queensland
ABN: 76 373 759 320
Rebound Volleyball Queensland - ver.2
Email: info@rvq.com.au
Postal Address: PO Box 95, Arana Hills. QLD 4054